Sunday, June 18, 2006


Patrick and I have a deal: he is to minimize his CounterStrike-inspired cursing, and I am never to use such language. Not only because we agree that foul language is particularly unattractive in women, but also because I have long upheld that profanity is most liberally used by those of limited vocabularies, who consequently must restring the same four-letter words in response to various situations.

And yet I find that, without having played the game itself, I have acquired the facility for profanity that regular FPS-ers possess. Granted, it's relegated to my internal dialogue, since I neither blog nor speak that way. Or haven't, until recently.

Make no mistake: I am no wanna-be. I do appreciate that people give me the cleaned-up versions, thinking I would be offended by the way they really talk. The last thing I want is to be mistaken for another immature gamer attempting to sound grown-up by using so-called adult language.

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