Monday, November 20, 2006

first workout today

I put it off for as long as I could. I felt unwell, lost my water bottle, and forgot my hair tie, my iPod and my socks, but I went anyway. And was actually better for it. Forty minutes on the treadmill and twenty minutes of stretching.

I felt very much like a little girl lost amongst all the unfamiliar machines, even though Christian -- the fitness guy who toured me around -- had been kind enough to demonstrate some of them on my first visit. I hope tomorrow's meeting with Caroline will help me get my bearings.

The girls want to celebrate Thanksgiving on Wednesday, in skirtsuits and boots, with mole and leche flan and homemade salsa. I was thinking about bringing carrot-raisin salad too but I'm starting to think I won't even have time to make the flan tomorrow.

Today's Dove chocolate fortune reads, "Sometimes one smile means more than a dozen roses." Though these days if I want to smile, all I need to remember is:

"Peet stop?"

Photo courtesy of the official "Cars" website.

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