Sunday, November 06, 2005

an alarming awakening

I woke up this morning to a shrill alarm. At first I thought it was the smoke detector, but the green light was shining cheerily. It was definitely coming from the bedroom, because closing the door muted it. I finally figured out that it was coming from a speaker in the wall.

When I went downstairs the neighbors were outside. Apparently it's a building fire alarm. The streetlamps and warning lights on each side of the building were flashing. I called 911 and the dispatcher reassured me that the fire department was already on the way.

It's been almost an hour and the damn thing is still beeping --- no, shrieking intermittently. False alarm, but they can't seem to keep it off. The fireman asked if there had been a power fluctuation, and the guy who lives two doors down said that he'd noticed that power fluctuates often in this building. Because I haven't, I think what it really means is that he's got faulty wiring or something that caused us all to wake up at 6 am on a Sunday morning.

This is the sound that greeted me: (recorded from the next room)
My morning wakeup call


Xmas Song du jour
~The Christmas Song~


Anonymous said...

6 am on a sunday... mmm...

do you want me to just get a gift from barnes&noble or hallmark and bring it home with me on saturday? i got my paycheck.

i'm sorry about your workload, but i haven't been shopping at walmart lately so you can't really blame me. :P

these word verification things are turning into a typing test holy crap!


Anonymous said...

or, if you let me know before 1530 PST today i can get it at any shop at northgate mall.
