Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The winter of my discontent

Sleepy. I woke to the almost-full moon shining brightly on my face through the slats of my window blinds. It's been over a month now, which is hard to believe. Time flies. People tell me I've lost weight. They tell me I seem to be cheering up. I don't feel these things. I don't feel lighter, happier. I am...resurfacing, I hope. Still so muddled most days. Clumsy, distracted, unclear.

It seems appropriate somehow that this happened in the winter. I am cold, almost dead. But there is hope of renewal in the spring. And already, despite it all, there are signs of life.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

If it were inevitable anyways betterthat it happened now, then you'll be able to take on how you concluded that one on a positive note...glad to know that things are looking up....and why shouldn't they be?:)