Sunday, August 28, 2005

guys' night out

it's 2 a.m. and i'm awake and home alone. I'd hate to admit that I'm waiting up for Patrick, but I guess I really am. He left before 7 pm, a sendoff party for an Air Force friend who will be stationed somewhere in Asia for a while.

I trust Patrick, I do. However, I do not know any of the people he's with tonight, and I hate it that when I told my married friends he was meeting up with some guys on a weekend night to drink beer and watch football, they all smiled knowingly. Because for most married couples, staying home with the guys, watching football and drinking beer is a euphemism for "we're hitting all the strip joints and pretending to be single but you don't want to know about it".

At least I know he's not drinking.

i'd better get some sleep.

1 comment:

K said...

it's okay for you to wait up for patrick. it's not a question of trust - i always find myself ill at ease until i know everybody's accounted for and safe.

in any case, i don't think patrick's one for doing rash and stupid things.

glad to know your apartment's all cleaned up now. :)