Thursday, August 18, 2005

tonight in the garage i saw


If I die mysteriously in the next week or so, you know what happened to me.

It's big, black and shiny. See that red hourglass on its underbelly? That's why I didn't try to catch or kill it. I stayed far, far away.

At this point i'm not sure if it scurried out while the garage door was open or if it's lurking there still. I just hope it doesn't suddenly turn up again in a week and bite me in the face while we're moving boxes.


Anonymous said...

OMG! i LOATHE spiders. and you saw THAT one, too. *shudder*

be careful...

Anonymous said...

ooh you have black widows? we have hobo spiders.

umm it's just the same stupid stuff as last summer. barggghh except this time i'm actually trying to study rather than hang out. sad, really.
