Wednesday, August 03, 2005

it's amazing what one little checkbox can do

We've got a new place! Apparently, one does not get the keys or one's name on the lease contract until move-in day, which will be August 24th. But it's ours, and we cannot wait.

All we have to do now is schedule the details: vacation time, utilities hookup, change-of-address and various other services. I still cannot believe we went from inquiry to tenancy in just six hours.

We don't have a phone yet but I do know the address so please update your address books, ladies.


Anonymous said...

yaaaaaaaay another place i won't see! har har. six hours? is that legal?

-halo (<-ha, get it? i'm so awesome)

faerah said...

totally. halo rocks! ;รพ

Anonymous said...

congratulations! :)