Monday, June 05, 2006

time, according to Dean

am babysitting my nine-year-old brother-in-law, who's been attending Sunday school. Conversation turned to tomorrow's date, which some hold to be the Devil's birthday (6/6 at 6, get it?). I enlightened him re the imperfection of the Gregorian calendar, in which Christ was actually born a few years BC. "Dean, did you know that BC means 'Before Christ' ?"

He nods knowledgeably, and contributes, "And AD means 'After Dinosaurs'."


jonsaint said...

Could you also enlighten me with this one?

faerah said...


jonsaint said...

Thanks for the info.

Anonymous said...

Hm... ask him when Adam and Eve left Eden.

i'm not sweet. case in point.
