Friday, September 02, 2005

be grateful, be grateful, be grateful

advice i gave a friend recently, though I probably need it more than she does:

Make the best use of what you have, of what you've been given. Knowing that you are doing the best you can with what you have and do not take anything for granted is consolation enough during times like these.

Because you don't just owe it to yourself, but to those who are less fortunate.


X said...

I was just randomly checking out blogs and I saw this post. That is a great piece of advince that I need too nowadays. I just wanted to say thank you. It made me feel a little better just by reading it. :)

Anonymous said...

yeah i was just randomly reading your blog as well, and stumbled on this post...


i used to think that way. thanks for the reminder.

-the awesomest younger sister you've EVAR had

Anonymous said...

oh and i've been checking out ikea for apartment decorating ideas... it's so neat!


Anonymous said...

wow that spinnaker set at nambe is exactly the design i like! alas, i'm poor. minimum wage for 6 hrs/wk max doesn't cut it in terms of interior decorating haha. thanks a lot for making me drool and foam.


Anonymous said...

er wait i actually like the butterfly set's upturned sides better. more continuous line.


Anonymous said...

ooh and also wedgwood's "solar" set. awwwww so minimalistic...

*pulls out pants pockets*



Anonymous said...

bwahahaha i've got a wonderful plan to thwart those uber expensive and stylish sets!

mix-and-match ikea items:

MOTTO plates, white stoneware
$.50 x4 = 2.00
DINERA side plate, dk blue stoneware
$1.49 x4 = 6.00
SYNTES glass bowl, blue
$1.99 x3 = 6.00
FORNUFT 20 pc cutlery = 9.99

so it's essentially a 16 pc, minus one bowl because i already have a glass bowl. yaaaaaaay it all works so well... but perhaps change the colors...

i still need drinkware.



Anonymous said...


go read my blog. :D


K said...

believe me, i needed the advice.

thanks. :)

faerah said...

i'm glad to know i've helped.

it makes my own little life feel less small.



h, you've really gotta rediscover the joys of email. or limit access on your own blog so you don't have to post all your replies on mine.