Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I made a guy at work smile today

He asked how the anime convention went and I said it wasn't as interesting as i thought it would be but we did manage to score some goodies. I went on to say that I planned to dress up for Halloween, wearing my cat ears, bell and fluffy tail and that's about it.

"That's it?" he asked, a smile creeping across his face. "Yeah, that's it." I said cluelessly. Two seconds later it dawned on me why he was grinning so broadly, I shrieked and walked off, red as a beet.

I wish I thought better on my feet.


"Overheard" in Guild Wars:

Player A: wts (want to sell) minor rune of soul-raping

and again,
Player A: wts minor rune of soul-raping


faerah said...

*takes a bow*

K said...

except that he said "ignorent"..

or was that part of the joke?

either your blog hates my pc or vice versa because one of them gives me hell each time i try to go here. it took me four tries and forever to even get to your comment page. let's hope this works now...

ETA: nope. maybe five will do it...

faerah said...

that was the punch line, made doubly funny because player B was oblivious.

What does ETA stand for? Alam ko lang, "estimated time of arrival"

K said...

edited to add :)